EPS material
Fast growing energy costs make the owners of old and new houses think about good and effective insulation. The use of styrofoam EPS TERM insulation boards is economically effective and saves the natural environment.
EPS insulation boards are light, easy to handle, they do not lose their thermal insulation features, are not deformed and maintain their structural strength.
When polystyrene granules are expanded by vapour they melt and form a material with closed pores called EPS-plastic, which structure comprises 98% of air closed in pores. As we all know that immobile air is a very good thermal insulator and due to that EPS is an outstanding thermal insulation material.
The acronym EPS – denoting styrofoam comes form an English word expanded polystyrene. Earlier EPS was named styrofoam, penoplastic ja foam plastic.
The quality requirements of EPS products are based on the features, which are required from insulation material applied in specific locations including: thermal conductivity, load bearing capacity, cutting and bending strength, water-proofness, air and steam permeability, stability of measurements and fire-proofness. EPS TERM insulation boards are made of raw material containing additives that block fire and ensure the non-flammable and self-extinguishing features of EPS. If you remove the burning source from the material, it stops burning on its own. Such practically non-flammable and self-extinguishing material belongs to fire class – Euroclass E.
Why use EPS?
- Good thermal insulator
- Big mechanical bearing tolerance
- Hydrophobic and water-proof
- Light and clean product
- Dust-free
- No good conditions for spreading micro-organisms and plants
- Retains its good features during the entire service-life of the construction
- Processing and installation simple
- Chemically resilient to acids and alkaline
- Bad electric conductivity
- Constitutes no harm to health or environment
Where is EPS used?
- In different frame structures
- In roofs and roof ceilings
- Insulation of exterior walls
- Floor insulation
- Protection of foundations and underground constructions from cold
Characteristic features of EPS
The thermal conductivity factor - λ10 characterises the thermal conductivity of the material and is in the range of 0.040-0.033 W/mK in EPS products. The smaller the number, the better are the features of thermal conductivity.
The thermal conductivity factor determines the thickness of insulation required in the building structure.
Important advantages of EPS products in comparison with wool insulation are reflected in damp conditions and at low temperatures.
The load bearing tolerance of the insulation material is characterised by a compression stress factor created in the material. The compressive stress of 10% upon deformation shows how big the load affecting the material upon 10% deformation is , i.e. short-term load bearing tolerance. The factor in EPS products is 50 up to 200 kPa (1 kThe long-term load bearing tolerance is characterised by compressive strength upon 2% deformation, which value is 0.3 of the multiple short-term load tolerance (in EPS products 15-60 kPa). Load bearing tolerance determines the usage of the material in the building structures.
The load bearing capacity of EPS products is significantly better than the one of the wool insulation and the features of EPS are retained also in damp conditions. The loading bearing tolerance of EPS is comparable with XPS products.
The closed honeycomb structure of EPS products ensures that the submerged material does not absorb water more than 3-5%.
The water absorption factors of special EPS products remain below 1%. These products are used for thermal insulation of the building structures under the ground and are installed directly in contact with the ground. epsFoam products are made as moulded products from special raw material. The absorption of these product and water-proofness are significantly better that in the wool insulation and comparable with XPS products.
Steam diffusion is the movement of vapour through the building material. People call it the “breathing wall”. It has to be taken into account in the exterior wall in order to avoid the formation of a dense steam layer. The coefficient of resistance of diffusion in EPS products μ is 15-70 (in gas concrete 6-12; in timber 150-250). The coefficient μ shows how many times the diffusion resistance is bigger of the immovable air with the same thickness.
EPS-tooted kuuluvad põlevate, kuid raskesti süttivate materjalide hulka (tuleklass E)
1 m³ EPS toote põlemiseks on vaja 130 m³ hapniku ja tulekoormus on alla kümnendiku puidu tulekoormusest
EPS-toodete kasutustemperatuur on -200 kuni +85 C° ja süttimistemperatuur u. +350 C°
EPS toodete survetugevus ja koormustaluvus on otseses sõltuvuses tihedusest e. mahukaalust. Ehituslikke EPS tooteid valmistatakse mahukaaluga 11-40 kg/m3.
Toote eriline kärgstruktuur tagab juba väikese tiheduse juures väga suure koormustaluvuse. EPS-i tiheduse suurenedes suureneb materjali koormustaluvus. Ka kõige kergemate EPS toodete koormustaluvus on kõrgem, kui raskematel villadel. Et teatud konstruktsioonides on materjali kergusel oluline osa, hinnataksegi
EPS-i kui väga effektiivset soojustusmaterjali. Samas on ka kõige kergemate EPS toodete soojusjuhtivustegur väga hea. Ka siin kehtib reegel: mida raskem EPS - seda parem isolatsioon.EPS on keemiliselt vastupidav järgmistele ainetele-ühenditele: soolade-, leeliste- ja hapete vesilahused, puu- ja juurvilja mahlad, loomsed ja taimsed rasvad, piiritus, lubi, tsement,
EPS ei ole vastupidav järgmistele ainetele: atseton, eeter, bensiin, kütteõlid
EPS-i võib liimimiseks-viimistlemiseks sobivad: vesialuselised liimid ja -värvid, epoksüüdvaigud, ehitusvahud,EPS toodete paigaldamise teeb eriti lihtsaks:
- mõõtmete täpsus
- kergus (väike tihedus)
- lihtne töödeldavus
- materjali vastupidavus
EPS tooteid saab mõõtu lõigata kasutades tavalist peenehambaga puutöö saagi, hammasnuga või kuuma traati (küsi nõu Reideni plaat tehasest 44 37206).
EPS toote pinna lihvimiseks või pinnale kuju andmiseks sobib jäme liivapaber või ehitusriiv.